Guidelines for Course Evaluations

The University of Copenhagen has adopted a procedure for course evaluations and the publication of evaluation results. The aim is to ensure that teaching is evaluated systematically, consciously and effectively, and in a way that makes the greatest possible impact on the quality of education. The guidelines are based on the following principles:

  • The point is to enhance the quality of the teaching
  • Evaluations are conducted to make sure students enjoy adequate learning opportunities that will help them complete their studies
  • The process forms an integral part of the lecturers’ commitment to improving their teaching and helps spread news of positive initiatives
  • The evaluation process must be easy for all of the parties involved to understand
  • The data generated must be useful for follow-up purposes and suitable for publication.

The guidelines consist of the following: 1) a minimum standard for frequency; 2) a checklist for determining faculty procedures; 3) a checklist for drawing up specific evaluation plans at programme level; and 4) a procedure for the publication of summary reports.

Read Guidelines for Course Evaluations and Publication of Evaluation Results 

Valid from 1 September 2024:

Read: Guidlines for Course Evaluation and Publication of Evaluation Results