Study Environment surveys and UMV
The study environment survey is a central element of the efforts to optimise the framework for students' teaching and learning. It involves the students in the work to identify and resolve any study environment challenges in a sensible, constructive and prioritised way by gathering students’ assessment of the study environment.
Educational environment assessment
The study environment survey is part of the University's educational environment assessment (Undervisningsmiljøvurdering, UMV). The UMV assessment is an educational institution's official status on the study and educational environment. It shows how things are on degree programmes and describes via action plans for the study environment how to address challenges or issues.
The results of the study environment survey is part of the data basis for the mapping of the study environment, which forms part of the UMV assessment at UCPH. Under the Educational Environment Act, UCPH is obliged to carry out an educational environment assessment every three years.
Organisation of the work with UMV
The work with the UMV and the study environment survey is anchored in KUUR (the Board of Education Strategy). KUUR consists of the associate deans for education, the Prorector and four students. KUUR decides on the overall framework for the UMV including the method for the study environment survey, the content of the survey and the overall process. KUUR also discusses the results of the survey and the catalogue of action plans.
How are the results used?
The results of the survey are discussed centrally and at the individual faculties. Action plans are drawn up to remedy any challenges in the study environment that may appear from the results of the survey. The survey is summarised in an overall report, which constitutes the University's UMV assessment. In this way, the work with the UMV makes a tangible difference to the study environment at UCPH.
Student involvement
Students are involved in the study environment work on a regular basis through their representatives in KUUR. Each faculty also involves student representatives in the efforts relating to the survey and the action plans.
The UMV reports are available on the UCPH Intranet KUnet and on this page.